Australian Board-Certified Neonatologist with Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (FRACP)
Advance Neonatal Care, complex critical newborns with surgical, cardiac problems, Neonatal Hemodynamic and extremely premature babies. Neonatal and Paediatric ECMO

Dr Kiran is Australian Board-Certified Neonatologist who has almost 20 years’ experience & proficiency in the field of Neonatology in different continents such as Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Middle-East and India. Following 13 years of working overseas he has returned to India to make some impactful distinction in new-born care in India. He is currently heading one of the advanced Neonatal ICUs in Thane at state-of-the art NICU at MRRCH which is a completely paperless, Healthcare facility equipped with Telemonitoring facilities and is built in collaboration with Sick Kids, Canada. He has a vision to spread knowledge, and clinical expertise and extend expert services to the most delicate new-borns across the country. He was heading two neonatal ICUS at Wadia Hospital in Mumbai.
Dr More is also formally trained for Research at Harvard Medical School, USA, and has more than 40 publications in international journals and 3 book chapters to his credit.
Australian Board-Certified Neonatologist with Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (FRACP) in Neonatal-Perinatal medicine (DM Neonatology Equivalent as per NMC). Training in Princess Margert Children’s Hospital and King Edward Memorial Hospital, Perth and Royal children Hospital, Melbourne, Australia.
Fellowship in Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine, Sick Kids, University of Toronto, Canada.
Doctor of Medicine (MD) in Pediatrics and MBBS University of Mumbai
International Diploma for Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) at La Pitie’ Salpetriere University Hospital, Paris, France
Associate Fellowship Program of Royal Australasian College of Medical administrators (AFRACMA), Sydney, Australia
Global Clinical Scholars Research Training Program (GCSRT), Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
Targeted Neonatal Echocardiography(TnECHO) program Sick Kids, Toronto, Canada
CCPU (Certificate in Clinician performed Ultrasound)- ASUM, Australia
Prechtl’s General Movement Assessment (GMA) Basic and Advance Certified Assessor.
Bayley’s III Scale for Infant’s Developmental assessment (BSID)- Certificate training by
Period | Institution/Organization | Location | Position/Role | Key Highlights/Responsibilities |
Feb 2022 - till date | MRR Children Hospital | Thane, Maharashtra, India | Head of the Department, Neonatology | 20-bed advance Neonatal Unit. Hospital established in collaboration with Sick Kids, Toronto, Canada |
Institution/Organization | Location | Position/Role | Key Highlights |
BJ Wadia and Navrosji Wadia hospital | Mumbai, India | Neonatal Senior Consultant and Head of the Department, Neonatology | 80-bed Outborn & 50-bed Inborn Unit, DNB neonatology training center |
SIDRA Medicine | Doha, Qatar | Attending Physician, Assistant Professor of Paediatrics | Lead for Cardiac NICU, Neonatal Cardiology & ECMO education, 54-bed quaternary NICU |
Christchurch Women’s Hospital | Christchurch, New Zealand | Consultant Neonatologist, Assistant Professor; | Director, Neonatal Transport; 46-bed referral Neonatal ICU; Surgical and perinatal NICU |
Hospital for Sick Children and Mount Sinai Hospital | Toronto, Canada | Clinical Fellow in Neonatology/Perinatology | Fellow in 40-bed NICU /CICU for newborns with medical and surgical complexities and 80 beds Perinatal Inborn NICU |
Hospital for Sick Children | Toronto, Canada | Targeted Neonatal Echocardiography (TNECHO) Fellow | Trained with paediatric cardiology and Neonatology for structural and functional echocardiography |
Acute Care Transport Services (ACTS) | Ontario, Canada | Transport Fellow | Supervised team conducting road and Air transport |
King Edward Memorial Hospital (KEMH) | Perth, WA, Australia | Neonatology Fellow | 85-bed tertiary NICU, Transport fellow, Child Developmental Clinic |
Royal children Hospital | Melbourne, VIC, Australia | Neonatal Fellow | 30-bed referral center for newborns with medical and surgical complexities |
Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH) & KEMH | Perth, WA | Neonatology Registrar | Rotations in surgical and perinatology center |
Shri Sidhdhivinayak Hospital and ICU | Thane, Maharashtra, India | Consultant Paediatrician and Neonatal Intensivist | Independently running a private ICU set up |
Nirmal Children Hospital | Surat, Gujarat, India | Consultant Paediatrician | 100-bed tertiary hospital with 24-bed NICU and 10-bed PICU |
Indian Naval Hospital Ship (INHS) ASVINI | Mumbai, India | Pediatric resident and senior registrar | 800-bed Naval Hospital with all superspecialities |
More K, Hanumantharaju A, Amrit A, Nimbalkar SM, Patole S. Use of Probiotics for Preventing Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Preterm Infants: A Survey of Current Practices Among Indian Neonatologists. Cureus. 2024 Nov 18;16(11):e73923. doi: 10.7759/cureus.73923. PMID: 39697933; PMCID: PMC11654888.
Vidavalur R, More K, Bhutani VK. Assessment of Global Burden due to neonatal encephalopathy: An economic evaluation. Semin Fetal Neonatal Med. 2024 Dec;29(6):101560. doi: 10.1016/j.siny.2024.101560. Epub 2024 Nov 7. PMID: 39537453.
Ramaswamy VV, Kumar G, Abdul Kareem P, Somasekhara Aradhya A, Suryawanshi P,
Sahni M, Khurana S, Sharma D, More K; National Neonatal Forum, India; Clinical Practice
Guidelines Group 2023. Comparative efficacy of volume expansion, inotropes and
vasopressors in preterm neonates with probable transitional circulatory instability in the first
week of life: a systematic review and network meta-analysis. BMJ Paediatr Open. 2024 May
More K, Jain S. Overview of point-of-care ultrasound and functional echocardiography training programs in India. Wadia J Women Child Health 2023;2(1):21-5. doi: 10.25259/WJWCH_20_2023ta spare ribs porchetta.
Astha Amrit, Alpana Utture, Kiran More. Caring for the hypertensive newborn: A
prospective evaluation of risk factors, clinical profile, management, and predictors of
outcome of neonata hypertension. Accepted for publication. Eur Journal of Paeds. August
Lakshminrusimha S, More K, Shah PS, Wynn JL, Sánchez PJ. Multisystem inflammatory
syndrome in neonates (MIS-N) associated with perinatal SARS CoV-2 infection: Does it
exist? Semin Fetal Neonatal Med. 2023 Apr;28(2):101433. doi: 10.1016/j.siny.2023.101433.
Epub 2023 Apr 1. PMID: 37037695; PMCID: PMC10066587.
Oswal M, Rao SC, Mamtora D, Khedekar M, Venkatesh S, More K, et al. Bai Jerbai Wadia
Hospital for Children recognized as India’s first accredited hospital by American
Accreditation Commission International. Wadia J Women Child Health 2022;1(2):120-2.
Soni R, Soni N, Chakkarapani A, Gupta S, Yajamanyam PK, Ali SKM, El Anbari M,
Alhamad M, Anand D, More K. The Utility of Serial Echocardiography Parameters in
Management of Newborns with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH) and Predictors of
Mortality. Pediatr Cardiol. 2023 Feb;44(2):354-366. doi: 10.1007/s00246-022-03002-y. Epub
2022 Sep 27. PMID: 36163300; PMCID: PMC9895036.
Ayed M, Ahmed J, More K, Ayed A, Husain H, AlQurashi A, Alrajaan N. Antenatal
Magnesium Sulfate for Preterm Neuroprotection: A Single-Center Experience from Kuwait
Tertiary NICU. Biomed Hub. 2022 Jun 30;7(2):80-87. doi: 10.1159/000525431. PMID:
35950015; PMCID: PMC9294943.
Ayed M, Embaireeg A, Kartam M, More K, Alqallaf M, AlNafisi A, Alsaffar Z, Bahzad Z,
Buhamad Y, Alsayegh H, Al-Fouzan W, Alkandari H. Neurodevelopmental outcomes of
infants born to mothers with SARS-CoV-2 infections during pregnancy: a national
prospective study in Kuwait. BMC Pediatr. 2022 May 30;22(1):319. doi: 10.1186/s12887-
022-03359-2. PMID: 35637442; PMCID: PMC9149327.
Kiran More, Roopali Soni, Samir Gupta. Role of bedside functional echocardiography in
assessment & management of pulmonary hypertension. Accepted for publication Seminars
Fetal and neonatal. May 2022.
Shaiba LA, More K, Hadid A, Almaghrabi R, Al Marri M, Alnamnakani M, Shah P.
Multisystemic Inflammatory Syndrome in Neonates: A Systematic Review. Neonatology.
2022 May 5:1-13. doi: 10.1159/000524202.
Leslie AT, Saleh M, Soni N, Tang P, Kallem V, Tscherning C, More K. Importance of
establishing antibody specificity in multisystem inflammatory syndrome in newborn during
the COVID-19 pandemic. Acta Paediatr. 2022 Mar 24. doi: 10.1111/apa.16345.
More K, Aiyer S, Goti A, Parikh M, Sheikh S, Patel G, Kallem V, Soni R, Kumar P.
Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in neonates (MIS-N) associated with SARS-CoV2
infection: a case series. Eur J Pediatr. 2022 Jan 14:1–16. doi: 10.1007/s00431-022-04377-z.
Epub ahead of print.
Harris S, Perston L, More K, Graham P, Ellis N, Frampton C, Troughton R, Moor S, Austin
N. Cardiac structure and function in very preterm-born adolescents compared to term-born
controls: A longitudinal cohort study. Early Hum Dev. 2021 Dec;163
:105505. doi:
10.1016/j.earlhumdev.2021.105505. Epub 2021 Nov 4.
Pareek P, Deshpande S, Suryawanshi P, Sah LK, Chetan C, Maheshwari R, More K. Less
Invasive Surfactant Administration (LISA) vs. Intubation Surfactant Extubation (InSurE) in
Preterm Infants with Respiratory Distress Syndrome: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. J
Trop Pediatr. 2021 Aug 27;67(4):fmab086. doi: 10.1093/tropej/fmab086.
Kiran More, Deepak Chawla, Srinivas Murki, Baswaraj Tandur, Ashok K Deorari, Praveen
Kumar, DM 6 and National Neonatology Forum (NNF), India writing Group. Outcomes of
Neonates Born to Mothers with Coronavirus Disease 2019(COVID-19) – National
Neonatology Forum (NNF) India COVID-19 registry. Indian Paediatrics. March 2021.
Ahmed J, Pullattayil SA, Robertson NJ, More K. Melatonin for neuroprotection in neonatal
encephalopathy: A systematic review & meta-analysis of clinical trials. Eur J Paediatr
Neurol. 2021;31:38-45.
Elkhwad M, More KS, Anand D, Al-Maraghi S, Crowe M, Wong D, et al. Successful
Establishment of the First Neonatal Respiratory Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation
(ECMO) Program in the Middle East, in Collaboration With Pediatric Services. Front
Pediatr. 2020;8:506.
More K., Gupta S. (2020) Patent Ductus Arteriosus: The Conundrum and Management
Options. Textbook Chapter. In: Boyle E., Cusack J. (eds) Emerging Topics and
Controversies in Neonatology. Springer, Cham.
Kiran More, Steven A. Abrams. Abnormalities of Serum Calcium and Magnesium. Book
chapterNo 25. Cloherty and Stark's Manual of Neonatal Care, South Asian Edition.
K More, N B Soni, R Soni, A Anbu Chakkarapani, D Anand, H Hummler. Modified, Off-
Label Drug Delivery of Inhaled Iloprost (iILO) in Chronic Pulmonary Hypertension (CPH)
Secondary to Congenital Diaphragmatic hernia(CDH). Abstract published in Journal of
Paediatrics and Child Health 56 (Suppl.1) (2020) 138–153.
Harris S, Perston L, Graham P, Ellis N, More K, Moor S, Troughton R, Austin NA.
Comparison Of Echocardiographic findings Of Very Preterm Compared to Term born
Adolescents. Abstract published in Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 56. (Suppl. 1)
(2020) 55–135.
Ramaswamy VV, Bandyopadhyay T, Nanda D, Bandiya P, More K, Oommen VI, et al.
Efficacy of noninvasive respiratory support modes as postextubation respiratory support in
preterm neonates: A systematic review and network meta-analysis. Pediatr Pulmonol.
Ramaswamy VV, More K, Roehr CC, Bandiya P, Nangia S. Efficacy of noninvasive
respiratory support modes for primary respiratory support in preterm neonates with
respiratory distress syndrome: Systematic review and network meta-analysis. Pediatr
Pulmonol. 2020;55(11):2940-63.
More KS, Sakhuja P, Giesinger RE, Ting JY, Keyzers M, Sheth JN, et al. Cardiovascular
Associations with Abnormal Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Neonates with Hypoxic
Ischemic Encephalopathy Undergoing Therapeutic Hypothermia and Rewarming. Am J
Perinatol. 2018;35(10):979-89.
Sakhuja P, More K, Ting JY, Sheth J, Lapointe A, Jain A, et al. Gastrointestinal
hemodynamic changes during therapeutic hypothermia and after rewarming in neonatal
hypoxic-Ischemic encephalopathy. Pediatr Neonatol. 2019;60(6):669-75.
Harris SL, More K, Dixon B, Troughton R, Pemberton C, Horwood J, et al. Factors affecting
N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide levels in preterm infants and use in determination
of haemodynamic significance of patent ductus arteriosus. Eur J Pediatr. 2018;177(4):521-
Keir AK, Karam O, Hodyl N, et al. (Local PI not author) International, multicentre,
observational study of fluid bolus therapy in neonates. J Paediatr Child Health.
2019;55(6):632-639. doi:10.1111/jpc.14260
Regan Giesinger, Kiran More, Jodie Odame, Robert Jankov, Patrick McNamara.
Controversies in the identification and management of acute Pulmonary hypertension in
preterm neonates. Pediatric Research. 2017 Dec. 82(6):901-914.
Elmekkawi A, More K, Shea J, Sperling C, Da Silva Z, Finelli M, Rolnitsky A, Jankov RP.
Impact of stewardship on inhaled nitric oxide utilization in a neonatal intensive care unit.
Hospital Pediatrics (September 6, 2016) doi: 10.1542/hpeds.2016-003.
More K, Athalye-Jape G, Rao Shripada C, Patole Sanjay K. Endothelin receptor antagonists
for persistent pulmonary hypertension in term and late preterm infants. Cochrane Database of
Systematic Reviews. (Review) August 2016
Kiran More, Pankaj Sakhuja, Prakesh Shah. Minimally Invasive Surfactant Administration
in Preterm Infants: A Meta-narrative Review. JAMA Pediatrics. 2014 Aug 4.
More K, C Minutillo, J McMichael, S Rao. “Growth and Neuro developmental outcomes of
infants presenting with Hirschsprung’s disease: in newborn period: A retrospective audit. J
Pediatr. 2014 Jul;165(1):73-77.e2.
Ting Joseph, More Kiran, Resende Maura, Dona Nicholas, Jain Amish, McNamara Patrick.
Predictors of respiratory instability in neonates undergoing patient ductus arteriosus ligation
after the introduction of targeted milrinone treatment. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2016 Apr
Dany E Weisz, Kiran More, Patrick J. McNamara, Prakesh S Shah. Patent Ductus
Arteriosus Ligation And health outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
Pediatrics. 2014 Apr;133(4):e1024-46.
Deepak Louis, Kiran More, Sapna Oberoi, Prakesh S. Shah. Intravenous Immunoglobulin in
Isoimmune Hemolytic Disease of newborns: An updated systematic review and meta-
analysis. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2014 Jul;99(4):F325-31.
Resende M, More K, Nicholls D, Ting J, McNamara P. The Impact of a Dedicated Patent
Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) Ligation Triaging & Management System: A single Centre
experience. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2014 Jun;99 Suppl 1:A46-7.
More K, Athalye-Jape G, Rao Shripada C, Patole Sanjay K. Endothelin receptor antagonists
for persistent pulmonary hypertension in term and late preterm infants. Cochrane Database of
Systematic Reviews. (Protocol) 2013(5).
More K, Jape-Athlye G, Rao S, Patole S. Association of inhibitors of gastric acid secretion
and higher incidence of necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm very low birth weight infants.
Am J of Perinatology. 2013 Nov;30(10):849-56. doi: 10.1055/s-0033-1333671. Epub 2013
Jan 28.
Athalye-Jape G, More K, Patole S. Progress in the field of necrotising enterocolitis - year
2012. The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine. May 2013;26(7):625-632.
K More, G Jape-Athlye, S Rao, S Patole. Prolonged initial exposure to antibiotics and higher
incidence of necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm infants - a systematic review and meta-
analysis of observational studies.
Roopali soni, Kiran More. NEC Masqueraders. A Case series. In process of submission to
Journal of Paediatric and Child health
Sarah Harris, Kiran More, Bronwyn Dixon, Richard Troughton, Nicola Austin. Premature
birth alters Tricuspid Annular Plane of Systolic Excursion (TAPSE) in infants born < 30
weeks’ gestation. Submitted for review, under revision.
Atif Majid, Lauren Weaver, Nigel Wilson, Kiran More. Approach to a shocked neonate
with Cardiomyopathy: Case report and review. Under review by all authors.
Daar G, NB Soni, Hummler H ,Gupta S , More K. Uncommon complication of
Methemoglobinemia following commonly used topical anaesthetic cream. In draft form
under review by co-authors.
K More, A Chakrapani 1,2 , NB Soni 1 , H Hummler 1,2 , S Gupta. Utility of ICON in predicting
post-surgical abdominal compartment syndrome after conjoint twins seperation surgery.
A Chakrapani, K More, NB Soni, H Humler, S Gupta. Do hemodynamic parameters change
after separation of Omphalopagus Conjoint Twins? - A prospective observational study using
electrical velocimetry (ICON). In drafts.

Advance Neonatal Critical Care

Advance Neonatal Critical Care
Advance Neonatal Critical Care provides specialized medical care for premature and critically ill infants. Our multidisciplinary team utilizes cutting-edge technology, including incubators, high-frequency ventilators, and neonatal imaging, to ensure the best outcomes. We emphasize family-centered care, involving parents in the treatment process and offering comprehensive support. Our commitment to excellence is reflected in continuous education, innovative research, and rigorous quality improvement, ensuring every newborn receives optimal care and the best start in life.
Neonatal Hemodynamic and Extremely Premature Babies

Neonatal Hemodynamic and Extremely Premature Babies
Neonatal hemodynamic care focuses on managing the cardiovascular health of extremely premature babies. This involves monitoring blood pressure, heart function, and blood flow using advanced technology. The goal is to ensure adequate oxygen and nutrient delivery to vital organs, supporting the baby's growth and development during critical early stages. Expert neonatal care teams work meticulously to stabilize and improve the hemodynamic status of these vulnerable infants, enhancing their chances for a healthy future.
Critical babies with shock or any other hemodynamic decompensation

Critical babies with shock or any other hemodynamic decompensation
Critical care for babies experiencing shock or hemodynamic decompensation focuses on stabilizing their cardiovascular system. This involves continuous monitoring, medication to support heart function, and interventions to ensure adequate blood flow and oxygenation. Specialized teams work around the clock to address underlying causes, such as infection or congenital heart defects, using advanced equipment and techniques to save these vulnerable lives.
Newborns with simple and complex heart diseases

Newborns with simple and complex congenital heart diseases
Newborns with congenital heart diseases, whether simple or complex, require specialized care. Simple conditions may involve minor interventions and regular monitoring, while complex cases often need advanced surgeries and continuous support. In India, skilled pediatric cardiologists and modern facilities ensure that these infants receive the best possible treatment. Early diagnosis and prompt medical attention are crucial in managing these conditions, helping improve the quality of life and outcomes for affected newborns.
No of ECHO and POCUS based Hemodynamic Consultations:
Number of babies Cared for
Number of cardiac babies handled:
Number of babies within surgical problems managed
Number of ECHO and POCUS workshop done
Number of Educational talks delivered